Workplace Have

The workplace must have a set of amenities that all employees can make use of. Working in an office can certainly get tiring sometimes. When we take a look at the Health and Safety Act of 1974, your employer has a legal duty to make sure that certain facilities are provided when it comes to the workplace, so that the health and also the safety of the employees is protected. A later legislative piece, the Workplace (Health, Safety, and Welfare) Regulations of 1992 sets in more details about the responsibilities in that area.

If welfare facilities are provided in the workplace, it reflects the employers’ obligation to consider the safety and also the well being of the staff and this includes the provision of hand wash areas and also toilets in the facility. There should also be drinks provided with some food as well near clean rest areas. Here is an example of the minimum requirements for welfare facilities at your workplace.


–    Toilet and washing facilities are the one thing where the number of employees that are working in the company, affects the actual needed provision. The minimum requirements when it comes to the facilities are as follows:

–    If there are 1 to 5 employees, you will need one of each. (One toilet and one washbasin)

–    If there are 6-25 employees, you will need two of each. And so on, the number keeps increasing.

–    It is also necessary that hot and cold running water is provided and it is also essential that the washrooms be perfectly ventilated. Soap and even hand drying facilities need to be provided. Paper towels and electric dryers are a couple of examples. If the office is located in a temporary or even in remote locations and if there are no ways to provide the facilities permanently, temporary facilities have to be set up. Many regulations state that companies have to provide a lot of welfare facilities if it is reasonable to do so. This can include a place to eat, drink, rest, and also have an easy access to drinking water.

–    The employer has to provide cups for drinking water. These cups should either be paper cups or clean re-usable cups. Providing water bottles is also another great idea.

–    If possible, it would be great if there were changing rooms if the company requires you to wear a uniform. Your employer has to provide a proper number of rooms where one can change into clean work clothes. These rooms must also have a lot of privacy when changing where you have separate areas where you can hang your clothes.

–    It is essential that your companies provides all the above as they are the most basic necessities for employees.